The Scholars Strategy Network empowers researchers to use their research to improve public policy and strengthen democracy. To achieve this mission, SSN seeks to bring together diverse scholars, policymakers, media, civic leaders, and community members in mutually beneficial relationships.
Too often, people in disadvantaged communities report that scholars do research on and to them, but not with nor for them. And colleges and universities can exclude important voices. To counter such tendencies, the Scholars Strategy Network aims to work with scholars, fellow citizens, and other U.S. residents who reflect the full diversity of the United States, including immigrants, low-income people, women, LGBTQ Americans, people with disabilities, people who live in rural and non-metropolitan areas, and people of color. The network strives to be an inclusive community of publicly engaged scholars from many backgrounds and from all ranks and types of colleges and universities. SSN is committed to growing, evolving, and learning in order to cultivate an environment that prioritizes diversity and full civic participation.