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Katie Anne Querna

Postdoctoral Fellow, St. Cloud State University

About Katie

Querna's research focuses on gendered socialization and health impacts. Overarching themes in Querna's writing include gender norms; masculinity; adolescent and young adult development; mental health; aggression; and well-being. Querna's work also includes using contemplative pedagogical practices in higher education spaces to promote greater compassion and justice across all levels of the social ecology (interpersonal-policy). Querna currently serves on the City of Minneapolis' Transgender Equity Council and regularly consults with community health centers and service providers around sexual/reproductive health and violence prevention; queer/trans health care; adolescent development; and the ways in which institutionalized sexism and racism operate in clinical interactions with the aim of growing self-aware; equity-oriented health care providers. Querna is also a clinical social worker with professional experience working in HIV/AIDS. She is also an adaptive yoga teacher; primarily sharing her practice with people with intellectual disabilities.


In the News

Opinion: "Mindfulness, Masculinity, and #MeToo," Katie Anne Querna, Psychology Today, January 22, 2018.


"'Whoever I Find Myself to be': Past, Present, and Future Selves of Bisexual Emerging Adult Men and Trans Masculine Individuals," Doctoral Dissertation, August 1, 2018.

Uses innovative arts-based, somatic, and narrative methodologies to explore identity, sexuality, and gender in bisexual emerging adult men and trans masculine individuals. Serves as both a methodological model as well as a springboard for better understanding this under-researched and fast growing population (bisexual young adults).

"Correlates of Young Men's Intention to Discuss Birth Control with Female Partners" (with N. Tatiana Masters, Diane M. Morrison, Erin A. Casey, and Blair Beadnell). Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 49, no. 1 (2017): 37-43.

Discusses how younger men wish to avoid pregnancy and also seem unwillingly to consistently use condoms or have conversations with female partners about pregnancy prevention. Uses a diverse, national sample to assess emerging adult mens' intention to use and talk about birth control with female sex partners. 

"Beyond Resilience: Why We Need to Look at Systems Too" (with Jessica Shaw, Kate C. McLean, Bruce G. Taylor, and Kevin Swartout). Psychology of Violence 6, no. 1 (2016): 34-41.

Cautions against using "resilience" (or lack there-of), as another way to pathologize individuals and communities by focusing on micro-level (individual) resilience at the cost of ignoring more pervasive, ubiquitous structural inequities such as racism and sexism.

"Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Risk Behavior among Young Heterosexually Active Young Men" (with Erin A. Casey, N. Tatiana Masters, Blair Beadnell, Elizabeth A. Wells, Diane M. Morrison, and Marilyn J. Hoppe). Journal of Sex Research 53, no. 2 (2015): 239-250.

Adds to an emerging literature exploring the relationship between intimate partner violence and sexual risk in emerging adult men.