Rob W. Glover
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About Rob
Glover's research focuses generally on political engagement, democratic theory, and public policy (immigration and drug policy specifically). Presently, he is working on a project looking at determinants of public attitudes towards drug policy reform in Maine. Glover is an award-winning teacher who as developed an innovative series of courses in which students and local community partners engage in collaborative research to confront local challenges utilizing existing assets and resources.
Increased Exposure to Substance Use Is Shifting Drug Policy Attitudes in Maine
Bridging Social Divides in College Towns
Comprehensive Immigration Reform, 2013 Edition
No Jargon Podcast
In the News
Examines the role of local election officials (LEO) as implementers of state election reforms. Derives that data comes from a survey of municipal clerks in Maine conducted after the 2018 general election, as well as interviews with many local officials, garnering their assessments of ranked choice voting (RCV).
Argues that state politics represents a fruitful, yet often neglected, space for the development of political leadership skills. Presents ENACT as a pedagogical model for empowering students, enhancing their capacity or political leadership. Remains attuned to localized variation in the policymaking environment and state political culture.
Findings presented here provide preliminary evidence that ENACT course experiences have powerful impacts on students when compared alongside non-experiential courses. Engages students directly in state legislative processes. Yields promising results with higher reported levels of political engagement and political efficacy, and greater likelihood to engage in civic action.