Sarah Jordan Shainker-Connelly
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About Sarah
Shainker-Connelly is a PhD Candidate in the Krueger-Hadfield Evolutionary Ecology lab. Her research focuses on the evolutionary ecology of macroalgae in freshwater streams. She uses a combination of genetic and ecological approaches all firmly rooted in natural history to better understand the complex life cycle and reproductive systems of these taxa. With Dr. Krueger-Hadfield and the Alabama Water Watch, she is co-leading a citizen science project to survey freshwater red algae throughout the state of Alabama. Prior to graduate school, Shainker-Connelly served in the U.S. Peace Corps' environmental sector in the Philippines and worked as an environmental educator in Georgia (USA).
In the News
Combines niche shift and population genetic analyses. Predicts rapid phenotypic evolution during invasion. Uses experimental tests of environmental tolerance combined with genetic tools to discuss the role that evolution played in the spread of an invasive seaweed.
Uses widespread sampling combined with population genetic tools to identify the native range of an invasive species of seaweed and the likely method through which it spread