
Aaron M. McCright

Professor of Sociology, Michigan State University
Chapter Member: Michigan SSN

About Aaron

Dr. Pfeffer's research focuses on LGBTQIA+ individuals, families, health, and social equity. Overarching themes in Dr. Pfeffer's writings include critical inquiry into bodies considered marginal and social actors’ management of stigma and discrimination processes.


The Polarization of U.S. Public Opinion on Climate Change

  • Riley E. Dunlap

The Climate Change Denial Campaign

  • Riley E. Dunlap

In the News

Quoted by in "Can Open and Honest Scientists Win Public Trust?," Laboratory Equipment, October 26, 2017.
Research discussed by John Besley, Sarina Gleason, in "Public Skeptical of Research if Tied to a Company," MSU Today, May 8, 2017.
Opinion: "People Don’t Trust Scientific Research When Companies are Involved," Aaron M. McCright, The Conversation, May 7, 2017.
Quoted by Jacqueline Ronson in "How is Climate Change Denial Still a Thing?," Inverse Science, December 29, 2016.
Quoted by Nathan Collins in "Climate Change is becoming a More Polarizing Topic," Pacific Standard, September 7, 2016.
Quoted by Chelsea Harvey in "Science Confirms It: Denial of Climate Change is All About the Politics," The Washington Post, February 23, 2016.
Quoted by Heather Smith in "The Right-Wing Climate-Denial Machine is Churning Faster than Ever," Grist, January 25, 2016.
Quoted by Graham Readfearn in "Era of Climate Science Denial is Not Over, Study Finds," The Guardian, January 7, 2016.
Research discussed by Sarah Cwiek, in "Climate Change Denial Messaging Works," Michigan Public Radio, January 2, 2016.
Quoted by Chris Mooney in "This is Why Sowing Doubt about Climate Change is Such an Effective Strategy," The Washington Post, December 2, 2015.
Quoted by Matthew Hilburn in "Climate Change Fight Sparks Renewed Debate in U.S.," Voice of America, August 22, 2015.
Quoted by Doyle Rice in "Poll: 83% of Americans Say Climate is Changing," USA Today, December 2, 2014.
Quoted by Pete Spotts in "Americans Would Rather Adapt to Extreme Weather than Curb Climate Change," Christian Science Monitor, November 24, 2014.
Research discussed by Chris Mooney, in "Do Democrats and Republicans Actually Experience the Weather Differently?," The Washington Post, November 24, 2014.
Quoted by Tim McDonnell in "Even Global Warming Can't Convince Republicans that Global Warming Exists," Mother Jones, November 24, 2014.
Quoted by Geoffrey Mohan in "Neither Rain nor Snow nor Heat Sways Views on Climate Science," Los Angeles Times, November 24, 2014.
Quoted by Kelsey Dallas in "Evangelical Christian Pastors Frame Environmentalism in Religious Terms," Deseret News National , October 18, 2014.


"Perceived Scientific Agreement and Support for Government Action on Climate Change in the USA" (with Riley E. Dunlap and Chenyang Xiao). Climatic Change (forthcoming).
Examines the influence that perceived scientific agreement on climate change has on the public’s beliefs about global warming and support for government action to emissions, and finds that misperception of scientific agreement among climate scientists is associated with lower levels of support for government action on climate change.
"The Politicization of Climate Change and Polarization in the American Public’s Views of Global Warming, 2001-2010" (with Riley E. Dunlap). The Sociological Quarterly 52 (2011): 155-194.

Examines political polarization on climate change within the American public between 2001 and 2010, and finds that liberals and Democrats are more likely to report beliefs consistent with the scientific consensus and express personal concern about global warming than are conservatives and Republicans – and that these differences increased over the decade.

"Organized Climate Change Denial" (with Riley E. Dunlap), in The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society, edited by John Dryzek, Richard Norgaard, and David Schlosberg (Oxford University Press, 2011), 144-160.
Draws on a wide range of academic analyses and journalistic investigations to provide an overview of the key actors in the “climate change denial machine” along with their primary strategy of attacking climate science by “manufacturing uncertainty” about its findings in order to undermine calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
"Cool Dudes: The Denial of Climate Change among Conservative White Males in the United States" (with Riley E. Dunlap). Global Environmental Change 21 (2011): 1163-1172.
Builds on the well-established “white male effect” from risk perception studies and research on the ideological roots of climate change perceptions to examine the views of climate change among conservative white males relative to other segments of the public, and finds these “cool dudes” to be uniquely dismissive of anthropogenic global warming.
"Political Orientation Moderates Americans’ Beliefs and Concern about Climate Change" Climatic Change 104 (2011): 243-253.
Offers some theoretical insights to help us better understand why political orientation moderates the relationship between educational attainment and beliefs about climate change: political divisions in the American public increasingly map onto societal divisions between critics and defenders of the industrial capitalist order.
"Anti-Reflexivity: The American Conservative Movement’s Success in Undermining Climate Science and Policy" (with Riley E. Dunlap). Theory, Culture, and Society 27 (2010): 100-133.
Analyzes the U.S. conservative movement’s efforts to undermine climate science and policy by mounting an anti-environmental “countermovement,” and outlines the manner in which conservatives (especially during the George W. Bush Administration) employed non-decision-making to achieve its ends while minimizing public backlash.