Alex R. Piquero
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About Alex
Piquero's research focuses on crime policy, crime prevention, crime rates, immigration/crime, and sports/crime.
In the News
Argues for the importance of outward-facing public criminology, in addition to academic criminology. Highlights the useful contributions that public criminology has had to vulnerable populations like children and immigrants. Illustrates that smart crime policy is best informed by intelligent observations of people.
Examines how perceptions of NFL protests vary across race, with black strongly supporting protests compared to non-blacks.
Compares crime offending patterns for NFL players to the general public, showing NFL players actually do less crime (picked up by Reuters, CNN, etc.).
Shows that first-generation immigrants commit less crime than second-generation and native born.
Calculates the value of saving a child from a high-risk life of crime, about $2-5 million dollars.
Summarizes the state of the science on early-family/parent training programs showing them to be very effective.