Anibel Ferus-Comelo
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About Anibel
Ferus-Comelo's research focuses on US unions, labor standards, governance of global supply chains for social and environmental sustainability, and the political economy of India. Before coming to Berkeley, Ferus-Comelo served as a consultant to international civil society groups and government development agencies while based in Europe and India for over 15 years.
Explores the role of unions in safeguarding the rights of the most politically and economically marginalized segments of Indian society so that their participation and voice is enhanced within the democratic polity.
Highlights the central importance of knowledge production and learning processes within social movements for liberation.
Illustrates the precarious nature of contract employment for migrant workers in the globalized private security industry. Highlights the state's dual role as both regulator and principal employer, concluding with policy recommendations aimed at enhancing protections for workers in precarious employment.