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Ann Huff Stevens

Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, The University of Texas at Austin
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About Ann

Stevens' research focuses on poverty and labor markets, including the effects of job loss and unemployment, and labor market and poverty dynamics. She was the founding director of the UC Davis Center for Poverty Research and currently serves as dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at Austin. Stevens is a faculty research associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research and is a member of the National Poverty Center Network on Poverty, Employment, and Self-Sufficiency.


In the News

Quoted by Maria LaMagna in "Home Personal Finance Low-Income Families are Getting Terrible Financial Advice Online," MarketWatch, April 3, 2018.
Opinion: "Do Work Requirements Help lift People out of Poverty?," Ann Huff Stevens, PBS News Hour, January 19, 2018.
Opinion: "How Can Job Loss be Bad for Health, and Recession be Good for It?," Ann Huff Stevens, The Conversation, August 31, 2017.


"Career Technical Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from California Community Colleges" The Journal of Human Resources 53, no. 2 (2018).

Estimate returns to career technical education programs at community colleges using administrative data from the California Community College system linked to earnings records.

"Employment and Poverty" Poverty Facts (2018).

Summarizes facts about how many of the poor are able to work, why many cannot work, and what poverty rates are among those who work.

"Short-Run Effects of Job Loss on Health Conditions, Health Insurance, and Health Care Utilization" (with Jessamyn Schaller). Journal of Health Economics 43 (2015): 190-203.

Examines the short-run changes in health, health care access, and health care utilization after job loss that lead to these long-term effects.

"The Intergenerational Effects of Worker Displacement" (with Philip Oreopoulos and Marianne Page). Journal of Labor Economics 26, no. 3 (2008).

Uses variation induced by firm closures to explore the intergenerational effects of worker displacement using a Canadian panel of administrative data that follows more than 39,000 fatherā€son pairs from 1978 to 1999.

"Persistent Effects of Job Displacement: The Importance of Multiple Job Losses" Journal of Labor Economics 15, no. 1 (1997): 165-188.

Examines the long-term wage and earnings losses of displaced workers, using longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics.