
Anna R. Haskins

Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Notre Dame

About Anna

Haskins studies processes and institutions that mitigate or exacerbate social inequalities; with a particular emphasis on better understanding the persistence of racial and class disparities in educational outcomes and the implications these have for later-life academic and labor market trajectories; in addition to the transmission of inequality across generations. Her current work explores the impact paternal incarceration has on children's cognitive and non-cognitive development during the early elementary years. Haskins is a former elementary school teacher.

In the News

Quoted by Lori Sonken in "ISS Project Examines Reasons for U.S. Mass Incarceration," Cornell Chronicle, September 23, 2015.
Research discussed by Ted Boscia, in "Talks Connect Faculty, Youth-Focused Extension Partners," Cornell Chronicle, June 9, 2015.
Research discussed by H. Roger Segelken, in "Kids with Incarcerated Dads More Likely to be Held Back a Grade," Cornell Chronicle, September 18, 2014.
Opinion: "Imprisoning Fathers Makes Their Sons Unprepared for School," Anna R. Haskins, Washington Post, June 14, 2014.
Research discussed by Dara Lind, in "Boys with Incarcerated Fathers are Screwed before They Even Get to School," Vox, April 25, 2014.
Opinion: "Reducing School Mobility with a Relationship-Building Intervention," Anna R. Haskins (with Jeremy Fiel and Ruth Lopez Turley), Policy Analysis for California Education, November 19, 2013.


"Paternal Incarceration and Child‐Reported Behavioral Functioning at Age 9" Social Science Research 52 (2015): 18-33.

Provides estimates of the impact of paternal incarceration on children's behavioral functioning at age 9 using children's own self-reports. Suggests the incarceration of a father increases the antisocial behaviors children self-report, but has null effects on pro-social skill development.

"Unintended Consequences: Effects of Paternal Incarceration on Child School Readiness and Later Special Education Placement" Sociological Science 1 (2014): 141-157.

Argues that the racial and gendered dynamics that influence schooling trajectories for U.S. children from disadvantaged backgrounds are driven, in part, by the race- and gender-specific effects of mass incarceration on early educational outcomes.

Mass Imprisonment and the Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantage: Effects of Paternal Incarceration on Child Cognitive Skill Development, Fragile Families Working Paper, Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Princeton University 2013-10-31.

Demonstrates that paternal incarceration experienced during middle childhood is detrimental to the cognitive development (math, reading and attentional capacities) of both boys and girls, illustrating how mass imprisonment contributes to the persistence of educational disparities.

"Reducing School Mobility: A Randomized Trial of a Relationship-Building Intervention" (with Jeremy Fiel and Ruth López Turley). American Educational Research Journal 50 (2013): 1188-1218.

Explains how Families and Schools Together (FAST) failed to reduce mobility overall but substantially reduced the mobility of Black students, who were especially likely to change schools. Improved relationships among families helps explain this finding.

"Implications of Mass Imprisonment for Inequality among American Children" (with Christopher Wildeman and Christopher Muller) in The Punitive Turn: New Approaches to Race and Incarceration, edited by Deborah E. McDowell, Claudrena Harold, and Juan Battle, (University of Virginia Press, 2013), 117-191.
Provides overview of work in the areas of inequality in a child’s risk of having a parent go to prison and the effects of parental imprisonment itself on childhood inequality and wellbeing.