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Annalee Good

Educational Researcher and Evaluator, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chapter Member: Wisconsin SSN
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About Annalee

Good is a researcher and evaluator at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, where she co-directs the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative, and Directs the WCER Clinical Program. She supports many youth-serving organizations through research-practice partnerships and culturally responsive evaluation in topics such as digital tools in K12 classrooms, community schools, tutoring, and ensuring equitable access and outcomes in learning opportunities.


Online Learning and Implications for Inequality in the Classroom

    Jennifer Darling-Aduana , Carolyn J. Heinrich

Critical Issues about Online Credit Recovery Programs in America's Schools

    Jennifer Darling-Aduana , Carolyn J. Heinrich

What State and Local Agencies Need to Know Before Making Large-Scale Purchases of Digital Technologies

  • Michael A. Baker
  • Carolyn J. Heinrich

Schools are Racing to Adopt Digital Tools without Solid Evidence That They Boost Student Achievement

  • Patricia Burch
  • Carolyn J. Heinrich
  • Chandi Wagner

In the News

Research discussed by Michele Molnar, in "Digital Education Needs More Accountability, Researchers Say," Education Week, June 10, 2014.
Research discussed by Barbara Goen, in "Flaws Found in K-12 Online Education," USC News, May 6, 2014.
Research discussed by "UW Collaborators Point Out Disparity in Sphere of Digital Learning," The Badger Herald, May 1, 2014.
Research discussed by Matthew DeFour, in "Study Finds ‘Schools of Hope Program’ Helps Raise Student Achievement," Wisconsin State Journal, February 6, 2013.


"Instruction Matters: Lessons From a Mixed-Method Evaluation of Out-of-School Time Tutoring under No Child Left Behind" (with Patricia Burch, Molly Stewart, Rudy Acosta, and Carolyn Heinrich). Teachers College Record (2014).
Examines the character and quality of instruction in afterschool tutoring programs mandated under No Child Left Behind. It draws upon a mixed-method, longitudinal study to examine the nature of the instructional setting to suggest reasons for a lack of significant effects on academic achievement.
Equal Scrutiny: Privatization and Accountability in Digital Education (with Patricia Burch). (Harvard Education Press, 2014).
Argues that in the rush to adopt and expand digital learning, many considerations are being overlooked that will have major consequences for the future of American public education.
"Improving the Implementation and Effectiveness of Out-of-School-Time Tutoring" (with Carolyn J. Heinrich, Patricia Burch, Rudy Acosta, Huiping Cheng, Marcus Dillender, Christi Kirshbaum, Hiren Nisar, and Mary Stewart). Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (2014).

Examines the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) program. Studies the impact of out-of-school time (OST) tutoring on student reading and mathematics achievement that link provider attributes and policy and program administration variables to tutoring program effectiveness. Argues that many students are not getting enough hours of high-quality, differentiated instruction to produce significant gains in their learning, in part because of high hourly rates charged by providers for tutoring. Identifies strategies and policy levers that school districts can use to improve OST tutoring policy design and launch improved programs as waivers from NCLB are granted.

"Framing American Indians as the ‘First Americans’: Using Critical Multiculturalism to Trouble the Normative American Story" Social Studies Research and Practice 4, no. 2 (2009).

Addresses ways in which secondary American history textbooks reflect and perpetuate the normative American story and identity by framing American Indians as the “first Americans,” while at the same time silencing indigenous voices in the telling of their own stories.

"'Unconscionable Violence:’ The Federal Role in American Indian Education, 1890-1915" Studies in the Humanities 33, no. 2 (2006).

Examines how the nature of the federal role in American Indian education has changed dramatically over the last two centuries, shifting from generally disinterested in the early nineteenth century, to aggressively assimilationist at the turn of the twentieth century, and finally, to greater attention on self-determination within the last thirty years. Offers an analysis of official publications from this era, shedding light on the structure, motivation, and implications of strong federal involvement in American Indian education.