
Apryl Alycia Alexander

Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Chapter Member: North Carolina SSN

About Apryl

Alexander's research broadly focuses on violence and victimization; human sexuality; sex offending; social justice and advocacy; and trauma- and culturally-informed practice. She serves as Director of the Forensic Institute of Research; Service; and Training (Denver FIRST) Outpatient Competency Restoration Program and the Juvenile Justice Project. She also serves on the board of directors of the Colorado Juvenile Defender Center.

In the News

Quoted by Andrea Dukakis in "When Do Children Really Become Adults? Science Sheds Light on Brain Development," CPR News, February 13, 2020.
Guest on TEDxMileHigh, January 5, 2019.
Opinion: "The Murder of Jordan Vong and Why Teens Shouldn't Be Tried as Audits," Apryl Alycia Alexander, Opinion, The Denver Post, August 22, 2018.
Opinion: "Legislature Must Ban Use of ‘Conversion Therapy’ on Our Youth," Apryl Alycia Alexander, Colorado Politics, April 23, 2018.


"Sex for All: Sex Positivity and Intersectionality in Clinical and Counseling Psychology" Project Muse 6, no. 1 (2019): 49-72.

Discusses how intersectionality in sex positive research, training, and practice is practically non-existent in psychology. The aim of the present paper is to analyze issues related to sex and sexuality from an intersectional sex positive framework.

"Simulated Judicial Decision-Making for African and European American Adolescents With Illegal Sexual Behavior: The Impact of Medical Data and Victim Race/Ethnicity" (with John Michael Falligant). Behaviorial Science and the Law 38, no. 1 (2019): 51-65.

Discusses medical evidence and race of victim influence victim believability such that medical evidence was more impactful for cases with African American victims in child sexual abuse cases.

"Race and Victim Age Matter: Sexual Behaviors and Experiences Among Confined African American and European American Youth With Sexual and Nonsexual Offenses" (with Rebecca L. Fix, John Michael Falligant, and Barry. R. Burkhart). Sexual Abuse 31, no. 1 (2019): 50-72.

Explores how research has found differences in sexual behavior and types of sexual offending by offense category and racial/ethnic group. The present study examined effects of offense category, victim age, and race/ethnicity on sexual behavior.