
Bayliss J. Camp

Lecturer in Sociology; Branch Chief, Research and Development at the California Department of Motor Vehicles, California State University, Sacramento

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About Bayliss

Camp is the Chief of the Research and Development Branch at the California Department of Motor Vehicles. He serves as a member of the steering committee of the California Strategic Highway Safety Plan; and as a member of the Transportation Research Board's Committee on Safe Mobility of Older Persons and the Roadway Safety Cultures Subcommittee. He has published monographs related to the identification and assessment of potentially unsafe drivers; particularly those suffering from health problems associated with age. He directs the research agenda for two units: DUI/impaired driving; and driver competency/safety projects. He provides research support for California DMV's current efforts to develop regulations related to the testing; performance standards; and operation of autonomous (i.e.; “self-driving”) vehicles. He came to California DMV in 2007; after having taught sociology at Texas Christian University. Dr. Camp also holds a position as lecturer in sociology at California State University; Sacramento. His academic research has focused on social movement tactics; referendum elections; and policy outcomes on topics as diverse as marriage definition initiatives; elder-friendly policies; and laws regulating sexuality. In his spare time; Dr. Camp served as the founding president of the Stonewall Democrats of Tarrant County; one of the largest political clubs in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.


The Pros and Cons of State Tax Breaks for Senior Citizens

  • Charles Lockhart


"The Overall Program Effects of California's 3-Tier Assessment System Pilot on Crashes and Mobility Among Senior Drivers" The Journal of Safety Research 47 (2013): 1-8.
Examines a new method of safety screening for drivers renewing their licenses in a busy public agency. The analysis focuses on how participation in the pilot affected license status and crashes among drivers age 70 and older in the two years following screening.
"Worldwide Trends in the Criminal Regulation of Sex, 1945-2005" (with David John Frank and Steven A. Boutcher). American Journal of Sociology 75, no. 6 (2010): 867-893.

Analyzes changes in laws regulating four types of sexual activity (rape, adultery, sodomy, and child sexual abuse); the data cover most of the world’s countries for the period 1945 to 2005. The authors find that laws aimed at protecting the family or the nation (for instance laws regarding adultery, or same-sex relations) have eroded in strength and scope over time. By contrast, laws aimed at protecting individual persons (for instance, laws regarding rape or child sexual abuse) have become stronger.

"States’ Senior Residential Property Tax Abatements: Uncontroversial Benefit or Looming but Unrecognized Problem?" (with Jean Giles-Sims and Charles Lockhart). Politics and Policy 38, no. 4 (2010): 677-704.
Employs formal modeling to examine those factors associated with adoption of state-level property tax policies that benefit senior citizens. Those states where there exists a tradition of government support for citizens are more likely to have adopted these policies than other states.
"The Repeal of Sodomy Laws from the Perspective of World Society" (with David John Frank and Steven A. Boutcher), in Queer Mobilizations: LGBT Activists Confront the Law, edited by Scott Barclay, Mary Bernstein, and Anna-Marie Marshall (New York University Press, 2009).
Examines change over time in the regulation of same-sex relations in countries across the globe during the period 1945 to 2005. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the analysis finds that many changes to these laws occurred before social movements were founded (or gained political power) in specific countries. The authors suggest that, at least in this area of the law, change appear to derive from a broader global shift in the cultural and organizational underpinnings of the modern nation-state.
"Mobilizing the Base and Embarrassing the Opposition: Defense of Marriage Referenda and Cross-Cutting Electoral Cleavages" Sociological Perspectives 51, no. 4 (2008): 713-733.
Examines county-level election returns for 26 state-level Defense of Marriage (DOMA) referendum elections held during the period 2000-2006. The author finds that these elections mobilize voters in ways that cross-cut traditional partisan loyalties.