Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes
Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of Public Policy and Director, Center for Racial Justice, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Chapter Member: Michigan SSN
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About Celeste
Walker studies how public policies shape and constrain citizens and groups’ behavior in American politics with particular concern for how policies can enhance or diminish the quality of our democracy. Her current research examines how public policies have influenced the size, composition and effectiveness of organized labor in American politics. She is also interested in the feedback effects of other policies including electoral rules and social policies.
How Neighborhoods Can Help Poor Black Women Fight AIDS
Key Findings Brief,
No Jargon Podcast
In the News
Opinion: "What Jonathan Van Ness's Story Teaches Us About the H.I.V. Epidemic," Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes, The New York Times, September 24, 2019.
Opinion: "What Jonathan Van Ness’s Story Teaches Us About the H.I.V. Epidemic," Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes, The New York Times, September 24, 2019.
Opinion: "Betwixt and Between: Middle Class Women Living with HIV/AIDS," Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes, Chicago Magazine, January 24, 2012.
Opinion: "Brian Babylon and Comedy as a Social Science," Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes, Chicago Magazine, December 21, 2011.
Opinion: "Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Post-Racial America," Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes, Chicago Magazine, December 14, 2011.
Opinion: "HIV/AIDS and the 99 Percent," Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes, Chicago Magazine, December 2, 2011.
Guest on WGN Chicago Morning News, March 9, 2010.
Guest on CBS Channel 2 News – Chicago, February 19, 2010.
"'Dying from' to 'living with': Framing Institutions and the Coping Processes of African American Women Living with HIV/AIDS" (with ). Social Science & Medicine 74 (2012): 2028-2036.
Examines how and why interactions with non-profit and government institutions help to explain variation between those who thrive and those who do not following an HIV diagnosis.
"Precious: Black Women, Neighborhood HIV/AIDS Risk, and Institutional Buffers" (with ). The DuBois Review 8, no. 1 (2011): 229-240.
Explains the structural and institutional realities that render poor black urban neighborhoods particularly vulnerable to high HIV infection rates. Points to institutions as intermediaries to reduce the transmission of HIV, but also to improved health management for HIV-positive inner-city residents.
"Race, Respect, and Red Tape: Inside the Black Box of Racially Representative Bureaucracies" Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 21, no. 2 (2011): i233-i251.
Examines racial diversity among the workforces of street-level bureaucracies such as welfare and unemployment offices and its implications for staff-client relations.
The New Welfare Bureaucrats: Entanglements of Race, Class, and Policy Reform (The University of Chicago Press, 2009).
Examines the implementation of welfare reform on the front lines of service delivery and how the professional, racial, class, and community identities of welfare caseworkers and supervisors shape the implementation of policy and other organizational dynamics.
"Race-ing the Bootstrap Climb: Black and Latino Bureaucrats in Post-Reform Welfare Offices" Social Problems 56, no. 2 (2009): 285–310.
Looks at whether and how race and socioeconomic class are used as tools in the delivery of casework services and finds that not only inter-racial but also intra-racial politics inform institutional processes within street-level bureaucracies.
The Social and Economic Context of Black Women Living with HIV/AIDS in the U.S.: Implications for Research in Sex, Power and Taboo: Gender and HIV in the Caribbean and Beyond, edited by Dorothy Roberts, Rhoda Reddock, Dianne Douglas, and Sandra Reid (Ian Randle Publishers, 2008).
Looks at the social consequences of HIV/AIDS for black women in the United States, including examinations of the various ways in which their social and economic experiences are impacted by the interplay between their health statuses and racial, gender, and class locations.
"Creating Networks for Survival and Mobility: Social Capital among African-American and Latin-American Low-Income Mothers" Social Problems 50, no. 1 (2003): 111-135.
Examines the social networks of low-income mothers to see how they generate social capital to obtain resources for survival and social mobility.