
Christopher M. Hansen

Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, Illinois State University
Chapter Member: Chicagoland SSN
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About Christopher

Hansen’s research focuses on critical pedagogy and social justice in the elementary literacy classroom and in teacher education. In addition; Hansen has forthcoming published research in preparing teacher candidates for urban teaching contexts. Hansen also is a faculty collaborator with Mclean County; IL schools teacher preparation efforts. He is a former urban elementary school teacher in Texas and Georgia.


Measuring the Dispositions That Make Teachers Effective

  • Nicholas Daniel Hartlep
  • Brian R. Horn


"A Mixed Method Case Study of Seven STAR Teachers in Chicago" (with Nicholas D. Hartlep, Sara A. McCubbins, Guy J. Banicki, and Grant B. Morgan) in Better Teachers: The Martin Haberman Legacy, edited by Valerie Hill-Jackson, (ASCD, forthcoming).
Explores the qualitative outcomes of in-service teacher dispositional research in Chicago Public School teachers who had attended Illinois State University for their undergraduate teaching certificate program.
What Makes a STAR Teacher? Examining the Dispositions of K-12 Urban Teachers in Chicago (with Nicholas D. Hartlep, Sara A. McCubbins, Guy J. Banicki, and Grant B. Morgan)., Illinois State University College of Education 2015.
Presents a comprehensive look at preliminary findings from a mixed-methods, teacher dispositions research project of in-service teachers in Chicago Public Schools.