
Clare M. Daniel

Senior Professor of Practice and Director of Research, Newcomb Institute, Tulane University of Louisiana

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About Clare

Daniel's research, teaching, and student program administration focus on reproductive rights, health, and justice.

In the News

Opinion: "Universities Must Train Students to Be Leaders in Reproductive Rights, Health and Justice," Clare M. Daniel (with Grace Riley), Ms., January 23, 2024.
Opinion: "Abortion As Essential Healthcare Becomes Even Clearer After Dobbs," Clare M. Daniel, Maurer Global Forum, February 21, 2023.
Opinion: "Feminist Pedagogy after Roe," Clare M. Daniel (with Karissa Haugeberg), Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online, May 10, 2022.
Opinion: "Anti-Abortion Advocates Aren’t Prepared for a Post-Roe Louisiana," Clare M. Daniel, Guest Column, The Advocate, May 6, 2022.
Opinion: "Reproductive Labor in Children’s Films: The Boss Baby and Storks," Clare M. Daniel, Media Commons, November 17, 2021.
Opinion: "Letters: Segregationist-Name Battle Not Over at a Top New Orleans School," Clare M. Daniel (with ErIcka A. Garnett Windon), The Advocate, November 3, 2021.
Opinion: "Midwives, Nurse Practitioners, and the Physicians Who (Still) Find Them Threatening," Clare M. Daniel, Reproductive Justice, Nursing Clio, July 22, 2021.
Opinion: "Letters: Bill Would Not Change Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners and Certified Nurse Midwives," Clare M. Daniel (with Maeve Wallace), The Advocate, May 12, 2021.
Interviewed in "How Lifting Restrictions on Midwives Could Improve Pregnancy Outcomes," (with Demetrice Smith) Apple Podcasts, May 6, 2021.
Opinion: "The Uses of Feminist Pedagogy Before, During, and After the Pandemic," Clare M. Daniel, Faculty Focus, May 3, 2021.
Opinion: "Letters: Amendment 1 Would Hurt Louisiana Families," Clare M. Daniel, The Advocate, October 14, 2020.
Quoted by Will Sentell and Mark Ballard in "From Abortion to Property Taxes, Louisiana Voters Will Decide on These 7 Amendments on Nov. 3," The Advocate, October 11, 2020.
Guest on WHIV ProFrequency, January 16, 2020.
Guest on WBOK Good Morning Show, 2020.
Interviewed in "Clare Daniel New Books Network Interview," New Books Network, June 11, 2019.
Research discussed by Letizia Guglielmo, in "Review of Mediating Morality: The Politics of Teen Pregnancy in the Post-Welfare Era," Journal for the History of Children and Youth, April 24, 2019.
Interviewed in "Clare Daniel SHCY Podcast Interview," SHCY Podcast, April 24, 2019.
Opinion: "Stop Using Teen Pregnancy Prevention as Justification for Sex Education," Clare M. Daniel, The Hill, November 2, 2018.
Opinion: "Reproductive Rights in Danger on Court," Clare M. Daniel, The Advocate, July 4, 2018.


"A Feminist Scholars Collective Supporting the Growth and Dissemination of a Digital Guide: A Collaborative Autoethnography" (with Enilda Romero-Hall, Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, Niya Bond, and Liv Newman). The Journal of Electronic Publishing 28, no. 1 (2025).

Reflects on the authors' experiences as scholars in higher education who collaborated to support the Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online digital guide. Discusses their motivations for joining the collective, the evolution of their work on the guide, successes and challenges faced, and the internal and external support they received.

"Hedging: University Responses to the Overturning of Roe in Abortion-Ban States" (with Kimala Price). American Studies 63, no. 3 (2024).

Examines how colleges and universities in states with near-total abortion bans have responded since the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Focuses on six private institutions and analyzes their official responses, as well as the influence of student and employee activism. Argues that, as universities have become more business-oriented, reproductive justice has often been sidelined in favor of financial and risk concerns.

"Building Collective Power to Advance Maternal and Child Health Equity: Lessons from the New Orleans Maternal and Child Health Coalition" (with Iman Johnson, Dovile Vilda, Emma Allen, Desiree Boisson, Latona Giwa, Melissa Goldin Evans, Hali Ledet, Lisa Richardson, and Maeve Wallace). Maternal and Child Health Journal (2024).

Examines the New Orleans Maternal Child Health Coalition, identifying barriers and facilitators affecting the Coalition’s effectiveness, as well as opportunities for improvement and broader involvement. Findings underscore the Coalition's role in tackling the maternal health crisis and offer general recommendations for similar coalitions seeking to promote health equity in their communities.

Biased Beliefs May Be Impeding U.S. Women’s Progress in Political Leadership (with Anita Raj, Aidan Smith, Priyanka Patel, Namratha Rao, and Jakana Thomas)., Newcomb Institute, Tulane University 2024-08-22.

Examines gender representation in U.S. politics, highlighting that while women’s presence in elected offices is at a historic high, they remain under-represented compared to men. Findings show that the minority of U.S. adults believe that men are better political leaders than women, though this view is more common among conservatives and men. Underscores the need to address persistent gender biases and beliefs to achieve gender parity in political representation and ensure that women's issues are adequately addressed in policy-making.

"The Politics of Problem Definition: Abortion Policy in Republican-Controlled Louisiana" (with Anna Mitchell Mahoney and Grace Riley). Social Sciences 13, no. 8 (2024): 387.

Examines legislative discourse to understand the legislative challenges advocates face, the strategic separations and allyships they employ, and the implications for other states and reproductive health more broadly. Finds that legislators selectively use scientific evidence to hold onto rhetorical purity within the abortion debate, creating legal ambiguities that impact healthcare outcomes.

"Protect and Control: Coverture's Logics Across Welfare Policy and Abortion Law" (with Margaret Mary Downey, Anne McGlynn-Wright, and Karissa Haugeberg). Psychology of Women Quarterly (2023).

Provides a more comprehensive accounting of the cumulative harms experienced by women, poor people, people of color, and pregnant people in today's health and social welfare landscape.

"Building Equitable Partnerships and a Social Justice Mindset Through a Donor-Funded Reproductive Rights and Health Internship Program" (with Grace Riley). Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 27, no. 1 (2023): 157.

Discusses the characteristics of a donor-funded internship program for undergraduate students interested in reproductive rights, health, and justice at Tulane University’s Newcomb Institute. Indicates that the program has successfully developed young leaders in a social justice movement, served underrepresented student groups, built trust with community partners, and created opportunities for multiple collaborations with those partners.

"Fabricating Babies: Reproduction As Production in Storks and the Boss Baby" (with Tessa Baldwin). Feminist Media Studies (2022).

Analyzes two mainstream children’s films, Storks (2016), and The Boss Baby (2017), both of which answer the proverbial question, “Where do babies come from?” Argues that these films bypass the gendered labor of reproduction, forwarding instead a politics of neoliberal multiculturalism in which the entrepreneurial spirit of masculinized reproductive industries appears to facilitate a post-racial utopia.

"State-Level Recommendations to Reduce Inequities in Sexually Transmitted Infections" (with Anna Mitchell Mahoney, Melissa Goldin Evans, Maeve Wallace, Katherine P. Theall, and Lisa Richardson). Women's Health Issues (2022).

Discusses sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common and costly in the United States, and people who are Black, American Indian/ Alaskan Native, or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander experience consistently higher rates of STIs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021a; 2021b; 2019c). Elaborates furthermore, STI rates have been increasing across all racial/ethnic groups for the past several years at an alarming rate, particularly among those 15–24 years old (CDC, 2021b).

"State Abortion Policies and Maternal Death in the US, 2015–2018" (with Melissa Goldin Evans, Dovile Vilda , Maeve E Wallace, Charles Stoecker , and Katherine P Theall). American Journal of Public Health 111, no. 9 (2021): 1696-1704.

Shows how state abortion policies impact maternal death in the U.S.

"Documentary Review: Belly of the Beast" Feminist Pedagogy 2, no. 2 (2022).

Provides a crucial tool for feminist educators teaching about reproductive injustice, racism, gender-based oppression, and the power of feminist activism. Summarizes the film and offers a discussion of how it might be used as a tool of feminist pedagogy.

"Compromising Justice: Reproductive Rights Advocacy in the Time of Trump" Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 43, no. 1 (2022): 68-92.

Illustrates that arguments made for sex education in the name of preventing teen pregnancy and for long-acting, reversible contraceptives in the name of preventing abortion undermine the goal of reproductive self-determination.  Reinforces notions that have long plagued advocacy for sex education and birth control in the United States—that certain people are illegitimate reproducers and that specific reproductive options are intolerable.

"State Abortion Policies and Maternal Death in the United States, 2015‒2018" (with Dovile Vilda, Maeve E. Wallace, Melissa Goldin Evans, Charles Stoecker, and Katherine P. Theall ). American Journal of Public Health (2021).

Examines associations between state-level variation in abortion-restricting policies in 2015 and total maternal mortality (TMM), maternal mortality (MM), and late maternal mortality (LMM) from 2015 to 2018 in the United States.

"“Power to Decide” Who Should Get Pregnant: A Feminist Rhetorical Analysis of Neoliberal Visions of Reproductive Justice" (with Jenna Vinson). Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society 8, no. 2 (2020).

Analyzes the rebrand of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, demonstrating how institutions can use social change rhetoric to depoliticize that language and reaffirm neoliberal logics. 

Mediating Morality: The Politics of Teen Pregnancy in the Post-Welfare Era (University of Massachusetts Press, 2017).

Argues that teen pregnancy, specifically since the radical overhaul of welfare policy in 1996, was previously regarded as a social problem requiring public solutions but now is seen as an individual failure on the part of the teens involved.

"'Taming the Media Monster": Teen Pregnancy and the Neoliberal Safety (Inter)Net" Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 39, no. 4 (2014).

Examines the social-media-based work of the National Campaign, showing the heavily disciplinary and moralizing functions of these strategies and their role within a new construction of social welfare. Argues that these tactics form a redefined notion of the social safety net based on a vision of citizens distributing vital, attractively packaged information among themselves via a privatized cybernetwork in order to maintain social well-being through the cultivation of proper sexual and reproductive behavior.

"The Lee Marmon Photographs: Chronicles of the West" (with Claire-Lise Bénaud). Collection Building 32, no. 4 (2013): 133-138.

Documents the acquisition and processing of an important Native American pictorial archive, the Lee Marmon Pictorial Collection, and to elucidate some of its research and cultural value.

"Teen Sex, An Equal-Opportunity Menace: Multicultural Politics in 16 and Pregnant" in MTV and Teen Pregnancy: Critical Essays on 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, edited by Letizia Gugliemo, (Scarecrow Press, 2013), 79-92.

Examines representations of teen pregnancy in 16 and Pregnant. Argues that the show helps consolidate a shift in the dominant discourse of adolescent reproduction, from an issue primarily associated with societal "ills", such as welfare dependence and urban decay in the 1990s, to one marking the personal and moral perils of teen sexual activity in the first decades of the twenty-first century.

"Daniel on Briggs, 'Somebody's Children: The Politics of Transracial and Transnational Adoption'" H-Ethnic (2012).

Reviews "Somebody's Children: The Politics of Transracial and Transnational Adoption" by Laura Briggs