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Edelina Burciaga

Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Colorado Denver

About Edelina

Burciaga's research focuses on undocumented immigrant youth; specifically the role of state and local contexts in shaping their educational trajectories; work and career development; and participation in activism. Overarching themes in Burciaga's writing include immigration; college access; social justice organizing; and policies that encourage immigrant integration. Burciaga has worked with immigrant rights organizations in California; Massachusetts; Georgia and Colorado.


"Introduction to the Special Issue on Migrant Illegality across Uneven Legal Geographies" (with Lisa M. Martinez, Kevin Escudero, Andrea Flores, Joanna Perez, and Carolina Valdivia). Law & Policy 41, no. 1 (2018).

In this special issue, we argue that place or where one lives and grows up profoundly shapes undocumented young adults experiences and trajectories. We bring together interdisciplinary scholars to share their research on the role of place in the undocumented youth experience.

"How do Political Contexts Shape Undocumented Youth Movements? Evidence from Three Immigrant Destinations" (with Lisa M. Martinez). Mobilization: An International Quarterly 22, no. 4 (2017): 451-471.

We present data from three different regions to show how state and local contexts shape undocumented youth activism.

"Segmented Pathways of Illegality: Reconciling the Coexistence of Master and Auxiliary Statuses in the Experiences of 1.5-Generation Undocumented Young Adults" (with Edelina Burciaga). Ethnicities 18, no. 2 (April 2018): 178-191.

In this article, we argue that the DACA population is not monolithic. Instead it is important to understand the factors that shape variation in the DACA experience.