
Edie N. Goldenberg

Professor Emerita of Public Policy and Political Science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Chapter Member: Michigan SSN

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About Edie

Goldenberg's current research focuses on student voting and higher education. Overarching themes in Goldenberg's writings include how to promote voting engagement by college students and how to promote lasting changes on the campuses of research universities that support student voting engagement. Goldenberg serves on the Corporation of MIT and on the Board of the All-In Voting Challenge. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Public Administration. She also serves on the evaluation team of the German government's Excellence Initiative in Higher Education; and she is consulting with the 60 U.S. universities in the AAU on promoting student voting.


In the News

Opinion: "Needed: A National Strategy to Preserve Public Research Universities," Edie N. Goldenberg (with Paul N. Courant and James J. Duderstadt), The Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 3, 2010.


"The Three Faces of Evaluation" Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 2, no. 4 (1983): 515-525.

Argues that program evaluation can be used for three purposes: 1) to learn about a program's operations and effects; 2) to influence and even control the behavior of those responsible for program evaluation; and 3) to influence the responses of outsiders in the program's environment.

Turn Up TurnoutTurn Up Turnout MLSA, Forthcoming.

Educates on Why Vote and How to Vote has been used in high school classrooms and college orientations to help students understand the significance of federal, state, and local election choices to their issue concerns and their voice in a democracy.

Off-Track Profs Nontenured Teachers in Higher Education (with John G. Cross). (MIT Press, 2009, paperback 2009).

Explains the factors that lead to the growth of non tenure track faculty at elite research universities and the consequences of such growth for undergraduate education, institutional governance, and American preeminence in higher education.

"Type-Set Politics: Impact of Newspapers on Public Confidence" (with Arthur H. Miller and Lutz Erbring). Cambridge Core 73, no. 1 (1979): 67-84.

Demonstrates the effects of negative news coverage on declining trust in government.

"We Need A Youth Quake: Overcoming Barriers to Student Voting " National Center for Institutional Diversity (2019).

Explores the state and local voting rules that suppress the youth vote.