
Eric Bruce Royer

Program Director for Distance Learning, Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, Saint Louis University
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About Eric

Royer’s area of expertise is in international politics; with a particular emphasis on international humanitarian law; international peacebuilding; Just War theory; and transitional justice. His research focuses on the pacifying effect of truth-building in the aftermath of civil strife that fundamentally alters and challenges social dynamics. His secondary research interests include understanding the ways in which the changing nature of global violence plays havoc with rules governing armed warfare.


The Invisible Palestinian MinorityThe Invisible Palestinian Minority International Studies Association, November 2013.

Explores the deteriorating status of Israel’s Palestinian minority in the sensitive policy areas of health, education, and employment vis-à-vis its Jewish majority through the theoretical frameworks of historical institutionalism and social constructivism. 

Indo-Pak Relations: Brinkmanship in the Twenty-First CenturyIndo-Pak Relations: Brinkmanship in the Twenty-First Century Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 2010.

Explores the ways in which neorealism can and cannot explain the enduring rivalry between India and Pakistan. 

Defying Rules of Conflict Resolution: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictDefying Rules of Conflict Resolution: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (with Denise DeGarmo), Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 2012.

Examines several factors that impinge upon the ability of popular conflict resolution theories to adequately explain the ongoing violence between the Israelis and Palestinians. This paper argues that neorealism continues to have descriptive, explanatory, and predictive powers when applied to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

Indo-Pak Conflict: Seeds for Conflict ResolutionIndo-Pak Conflict: Seeds for Conflict Resolution Midwest Political Science Association Conference, March 2011.

Explores how the Mumbai attacks represent a critical juncture for conflict de-escalation in the Indo-Pak conflict through the theoretical framework of path dependency.