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Frank Joseph Fernandez

Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Chapter Member: Wisconsin SSN

About Frank

Fernandez's research focuses on educational policy issues such as graduate education; STEM education and research policy; education and skill formation; free speech and academic freedom; civic engagement; and international higher education.


"Education, Skills, and Wage Gaps in Canada and the United States" (with William C. Smith). Internal Migration (2017).

Considers the ways that education is related to numeracy and literacy skills — and how the two are related to labor market outcomes among immigrant workers. Compares and contrasts the importance of immigrant education and skills in Canada and the United States.

Affirmative Action and Racial Equality: Considering the Fisher Case to Forge the Path Ahead (edited with Uma M. Jayakumar and Liliana M. Garces) (Routledge, 2015).

Considers the future of selective university admissions in the wake of the Fisher v. University of Texas U.S. Supreme Court case.

"Faculty, the Courts, and the First Amendment" (with Neal H. Hutchens and Azalea Hulbert). Penn State Law Review 1027, no. 120 (2016).

Discusses academic freedom in the wake of the 2006 Garcetti v. Ceballos U.S. Supreme Court case.

The Century of Science: The Global Triumph of the Research University (edited with Justin J.W. Powell and David P. Baker) (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017).

Examines the global rise of scholarly research in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and health fields. Provides historical and sociological understandings of the ways that higher education has become an institution that, more than ever before, shapes science and society.

"Understanding the (Sub)Baccalaureate Origins of Latina/o Doctorates in Education, Humanities, and Social Science Fields" Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 40, no. 2 (2018): 115-133.

Examines the undergraduate origins of Latina and Latino doctorates.

"An Examination of the (Un)Intended Consequences of Performance Funding in Higher Education" (with Mark R. Umbricht and Justin C. Ortagus). Educational Policy 31, no. 5 (2017): 643-673.

Examines the ways that Indiana public universities became more selective after the state adopted a performance-based funding formula for university allocations.