Gabriel R. Sanchez
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About Gabriel
Sanchez conducts research and teaches in the area of American politics with a specific emphasis on Latino politics; health politics and policy; and New Mexico politics. Professor Sanchez has worked closely with civic organizations such as Common Cause; America’s Voice; United Way of Central New Mexico and the American Civil Liberties Union on research projects and community engagement efforts. He has also offered expert witness testimony and research for several court cases dealing with redistricting and voter identification legislation. A national expert in both Latino and New Mexico politics; Professor Sanchez has provided political commentary to several state; national; and international media outlets.
To Make Sure All Votes Count, New Mexico Needs Open Primary Elections
No Jargon Podcast
In the News
Tests the primary hypothesis that group consciousness has a greater impact on Latino political attitudes across issues that are directly tied to ethnicity than on those that are not; finds that perceived discrimination does motivate public opinion toward both immigration and bilingual education, and collective action toward immigration.