Joshua D. Wallace
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About Joshua
Wallace's research agenda centers on the question: Who must Black men become to exist in higher education? Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach, Wallace's research employs qualitative methodologies and critical theoretical frameworks to (1) critically explore Black masculinities and Black feminisms in higher education and (2) examine how Black men in engineering develop their identities (e.g., race, gender, academic discipline). Guided by this line of inquiry, Wallace's research illuminates the impact of an academic discipline’s culture on masculine thinking and being, as well as moves scholarship and practice on Black masculinities toward an emphasis on divesting from patriarchy.
UW-Madison Caves in to Conservativism and Racism
Examines Black male graduate students' experiences with advising. Findings underscore the importance of caring and wholeness-promoting frameworks in graduate advising to enhance students' academic and personal growth, with an emphasis on recognizing students as whole people.
Highlights the possibilities for engaging Black male STEM majors in leadership opportunities across institutions. Recommendations for research and practice include exploring the perception Black men in STEM have of leadership and engaging Black men as STEM tutors.
Explores the factors that influenced 50 Black males' aspirations to pursue graduate degrees in engineering. Provides implications for future research and practice, and emphasizes the importance of using these findings to assist stakeholders in identifying critical moments and experiences necessary to encourage talented individuals to pursue advanced degrees in STEM fields.
Investigates the challenges of transitioning into a graduate program virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic and publicized anti-Black racism. Focuses on virtual community building, utilizing a Blackademic placemaking lens with three key subthemes: Black collectivism, Building and cultivating community, and Blackness as Existence and Resistance. Findings emphasize the importance of early transitional connections, leading to an enhanced sense of belonging and a disruption of the competitive nature often associated with graduate programs.