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Juliet A. Williams

Professor of Gender Studies, University of California, Los Angeles

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About Juliet

Williams's research focuses on gender politics. Overarching themes in Williams's work include gender equality and sexuality norms. Williams researches and publishes on topics including political sex scandals and single-sex public education. Currently Williams is working on a book examining the concept of gender neutrality in the media; law; and activism.


Why We Should All Use They/Them Pronouns

  • Abigail C. Saguy


"Reimagining Gender: Gender Neutrality in the News" (with Abigail C. Saguy). Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 44, no. 2 (Winter 2019): 465-489.

Follows the rise to prominence of the term gender neutral in debates over issues ranging from pronouns to parenting to public restrooms. Conducts quantitative and qualitative analyses of almost one thousand articles from four major newspapers—over a forty-year period—that mention the term gender neutral, to advance understanding of this key term in recent gender politics.

"Sex Scandals, Reputational Management, and Masculinities Under Neoliberal Conditions" (with Paul Apostolidis). Sexualities 20, no. 7 (2017): 793-814.

Presents political sex scandals as a critical site for understanding contemporary formations of masculinity under conditions of neoliberalism.

The Separation Solution?: Single-Sex Education and the New Politics of Gender Equality (University of California Press, 2016).

Follows the resurgence in interest, since the 1990s,in single-sex education across the United States, with many public schools creating all-boys and all-girls classes for students in grades K through 12. Provides an in-depth analysis of controversies sparked by recent efforts to separate boys and girls at school.

"“Same DNA, but Born this Way”: Lady Gaga and the Possibilities of Postessentialist Feminisms" Journal of Popular Music Studies 26, no. 2 (March 2014): 28-46.

Examines Lady Gaga’s most well-known songs and music videos to explore the possibilities and limits of contemporary queer feminisms.

"Unholy Matrimony? Feminism, Orientalism, and the Possibility of Double Critique" Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 34, no. 3 (Spring 2009): 611-632.

Examines US news media reports on "temporary marriage" to disclose how critical omissions and misrepresentations simultaneously exoticize gender relations in Islamic societies while normalizing gender oppression in the West.

Public Affairs: Politics in the Age of Sex Scandals (edited with Paul Apostolidis). (Duke University Press, February 2004).

Examines, from a variety of perspectives, how political sex scandals take shape, gain momentum, and alter the U.S. political and cultural landscape.