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Laura C. Bucci

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Saint Joseph's University
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About Laura

Bucci's research focuses on the consequences of deunionization for political and economic inequality. Looking at variation in the American states, she examines how changes in the composition and strength of labor movements influences participation, broadly defined. Bucci is also interested in how the workplace, and workplace affiliated organizations, can influence who participates in politics. She writes on themes of democratic engagement, concern about economic and political inequality, and political behavior.


"Organized Labor's Check on Rising Economic Inequality in the U.S. States" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 2 (2018): 148-173.

Provides evidence that organized labor, as a political institution, limits unequal income distributions in the U.S. states. Finds that unions are still able to limit the growth of economic inequality in spite of declining levels of union membership.

"White Working-Class Politics and the Consequences of Declining Unionization in the Age of Trump" Politics, Groups, and Identities 5, no. 2 (2017): 364-371.

Discusses the various conceptualizations and political behavior of the white working class. Suggests that definitions of the working class are wide ranging, leading to differences in expected political behavior.