Mary Lehman Held
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About Mary
Held's research focuses on mental health and access to health services by Latinx immigrants; especially in new immigrant destinations. Overarching themes in Held's writings include health access and utilization barriers among vulnerable populations; in addition to health disparities among Latinx immigrant communities. Held engages heavily with community-based organizations to provide trainings related to Latinx immigrant experiences and to engage in collaborative research. Held serves on the board of directors and as co-chair of the research and scholarship group for the Tennessee Interprofessional Practice and Education Consortium as an expert on the role of social workers on interprofessional health care delivery teams.
In the News
Finds, through interviews with providers in Tennessee, four key themes of working with Latinx immigrants: sources of support, additional strengths, immigration-related stressors, and service provision gaps. Identifies the vast strengths and supports among Latinx immigrants, in addition to daily stressors and barriers to service utilization.
Finds that Mexican and Guatemalan participants have distinct maternal risk factors. Finds Mexican participants were older and at greater risk of obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy, while Guatemalan participants were more likely to receive inadequate prenatal care.
Identifies strategies that social workers can take to better advocate for immigrants in their own communities.
Finds social support among Latino immigrants was lower for females, immigrants who are not married or cohabitating, and those with more stressors in the United States.
Finds the role of social capital to be a significant mediator for the effects of age, education, and economic well-being on maternal well-being for native-born Latinas. Finds, for Latina immigrants, social capital significantly predicted maternal well-being and mediated the effects of age, education, and economic well-being on maternal well-being.
Identifies, in a mixed-methods study, key reasons that immigrants remit wages to families back home to include food, education, housing, and health expenses. Suggests that immigrants gain positive feelings from helping family back home, while also fulfilling an obligation to care for these family members.