Michael K Miller

Michael K. Miller

Professor of Political Science, George Washington University

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About Michael

Miller’s work focuses on democratization; democratic survival; and the effects of competitive elections in autocracies. Since much of U.S. foreign policy is concerned with encouraging regime change and reacting to the policies of autocracies; this has implications for how the U.S. designs democracy promotion and foreign aid conditionality. His other work touches on American voting behavior; election forecasting; and migration policy in autocracies.

In the News

Quoted by Uri Friedman in "Is American Democracy Really under Threat?," The Atlantic, June 21, 2017.
Opinion: "The Surprising Benefits of Autocratic Elections," Michael K. Miller, The Washington Post, April 2, 2015.
Interviewed in Sun News Canada Sun News Canada , January 22, 2014.
Research discussed by Joshua Keating, in "The Case for Holding Bogus Elections," Slate, January 14, 2014.
Opinion: "Freedom’s March," Michael K. Miller (with Susan Stokes and Carles Boix), Foreign Policy, May 2013.
Research discussed by Patrick Hruby, in "Football, Weather and Shark Attacks — the Irrational Voter’s Checklist," Washington Times, November 5, 2012.
Research discussed by Paul Farhi, in "Did Your Team Win? That Might Affect How You Vote," The Washington Post, November 1, 2012.
Research discussed by Joseph Stromberg, in "Is Your Vote Affected by Your Home Team's Wins and Losses? ," Smithsonian Magazine, September 21, 2012.


Why Do Voters Lack ID?Why Do Voters Lack ID? Barnard College, 2017.

Examines the reasons that people reported for arriving at the poll without identification during the 2016 Texas election.