Nadia E. Brown
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About Nadia
Brown's research interests lie broadly in identity politics; legislative studies; and Black women's studies. She specializes in Black women’s politics and holds a graduate certificate in Women's and Gender Studies. While trained as a political scientist; her scholarship on intersectionality seeks to push beyond disciplinary constraints to think more holistically about the politics of identity.
No Jargon Podcast
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Shares details about the 52 Black women who have navigated this raced and gendered institution (Hawkesworth 2003) since 1969. Discusses data on these Black congresswomen, including, but not limited to, their educational attainment, occupations prior to serving in Congress, and ties to Black Greek Letter organizations. Argues that this descriptive data will prompt new questions for legislative scholars and open conversations about disciplinary norms and assumptions which may need revision in light of Congress’ increasing diversification.
Seek to fill the void in studies examining the ways that gender and racial identities shape elected officials' appeals to constituents by examining differences in presentation styles among Latina and African American congresswomen, their Anglo female counterparts, and minority male peers
Seeks to present studies of minority women that highlight how they are similar and dissimilar to other groups of women or minorities, as well as variations within groups of minority women.
Seeks to shift the interpretation of the word to the very "ratchet" institutions which enact a kind of violence in the lives of Black women, rendering them invisible and at times, leading to what some deem "ratchet" reactions.
Addresses this gap - differences among Black women in office - by utilizing humanistic inquiry to examine the connection between descriptive and substantive representation in the case of Black women legislators.