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Paul D. Cleary

Anna M.R. Lauder Professor Emeritus of Public Health, Yale University
Chapter Member: Connecticut SSN
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About Paul

Cleary’s expertise lies in the fields of health care quality, access, and evaluation, and health services. His research includes developing better methods for using patient reports about their care and health status to evaluate the quality of medical care, and studying the relationships between clinician and organizational characteristics and the quality of medical care, in particular for persons with AIDS. Cleary is Principal Investigator and Director of the Yale Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS, and serves as Chair of the National Advisory Committee for The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Awards in Health Policy Research. He is an elected member of the Institute of Medicine and of the Connecticut Academy for Science and Engineering.


Why is Patient-Centered Health Care Important?

In the News

Quoted by Rachel Siegel and Stephanie Rogers in "On Quarantine, Administrators’ Statements Contradict News Reports," Yale Daily News, October 27, 2014.


"Responding to the National HIV/AIDS Strategy – Setting the Research Agenda" (with S.F. Morin, J.A. Kelly, E.D. Charlebois, R.H. Remien, and M.J. Rotheram-Borus). JAIDS 57, no. 3 (2011): 175-180.
"Mortality among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: The Influences of Patient-Centered Care and Evidence-Based Medicine" (with M. Meterko, S. Wright, H. Lin, and E. Lowy). Health Serv Res 45, no. 95 (2010): 1188-1204.
Demonstrates the long-term health impacts of patient-centered care.
"Effects of a Quality Improvement Collaborative on the Outcome of Care of Patients with HIV Infection: The EQHIV study" (with B.E. Landon, I.B. Wilson, K. McInnes, M.B. Landrum, L. Hirschhorn, P.V. Marsden, and D. Gustafson). Ann Int Med 140, no. 11 (2004): 887-896.
Reports on a national, controlled trial of the quality improvement collaborative approach to improving care quality.
"A Conceptual Model of the Effects of Health Care Organizations on the Quality of Medical Care" (with B.E. Landon and I.B. Wilson). JAMA 279, no. 17 (1998): 1377-1382.
Describes a model of the ways in which health care organizations affect the delivery and quality of medical care.
"Linking Clinical Variables with Health-Related Quality of Life: A Conceptual Model of Patient Outcomes" (with I.B. Wilson). JAMA 273, no. 1 (1995): 59-65.
Presents a not widely cited model describing the relationships among different types of health and health-related quality of life assessments.
"Patients Evaluate Their Hospital Care: A National Survey" (with S. Edgman-Levitan, M. Roberts, T.W. Moloney, W. McMullen, J.D. Walker, and T.L. Delbanco). Health Affairs 10, no. 4 (1991): 254-267.
Reports the results of the first U.S. national survey about specific patient experiences, an approach that is now widely used instead of asking about general “satisfaction.”