Robert J. Spitzer
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About Robert
Spitzer's chief areas of expertise are gun policy (including politics; history; law; and criminological consequences of guns) and the American presidency (especially president's veto power and other constitutional powers; presidential behavior; electoral; political; and policy dimensions of the office; and inter-branch relations).
No Jargon Podcast
In the News
Brings together the latest developments and research in gun politics, policy, law, history, and criminology to provide a comprehensive and accessible source widely used by scholars, journalists, and in classrooms. Illustrates among the new topics covered in this edition are the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, new Supreme Court protections for concealed carry permits, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on gun violence and policy. Provides a unique window into how and why that polarization drives our politics.
Examines those gun controversies in the light of our gun history and contemporary policy environment, covering gun policy areas including assault weapons, ammunition magazines, silencers, public gun brandishing and display, and the emergent Second Amendment sanctuary movement. Reveals and illuminating as that history is, argues that we should not be straitjacketed by that history, but rather informed by it as the nation struggles with how to frame its gun policies.
Applies policy theory to the key elements of the gun debate, including analysis of the Second Amendment, cultural-historical factors, interest group behavior, criminological consequences, legislative and executive politics.