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Timothy Herbert Callaghan

Associate Professor of Health Law, Policy, and Management, Boston University School of Public Health
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About Timothy

Dr. Callaghan's research focuses on how politics, policy, and place work together to influence health in America. He has conducted extensive research on state political decision-making under the Affordable Care Act, individual health attitudes and behaviors, and health care access for vulnerable groups. Currently he is conducting research on vaccine hesitancy and public attitudes surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. He received his doctorate in political science from the University of Minnesota.

In the News

Research discussed by Rae Lynn Mitchell, in "Research on Vaccine Policy Attitudes Selected for International Award," Vital Record, September 19, 2018.


"Knowing Less but Presuming More: Dunning-Kruger Effects and the Endorsement of Anti-Vaccine Policy Attitudes" (with Matthew Motta and Steven Sylvester). Social Science & Medicine 211 (2018): 274-281.

Analyzes public opinion about vaccination policies to assess whether Dunning-Kruger effects, when people with little knowledge think that they are better informed than medical experts about causes, can help to explain anti-vaccination policy attitudes.