Tondra Loder-Jackson, from

Tondra L. Loder-Jackson

Professor of Educational Foundations, African American Studies, and History, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Chapter Member: Alabama SSN

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About Tondra

Loder-Jackson's research focuses on the historiography of African American education; urban teacher preparation; recruitment; and retention; and school; family; and community relations. Dr. Loder-Jackson is a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA); the Association for the Study of African American Life & History (ASALH); and the History of Education Society (HES). She serves as an invited scholar on national initiatives focused on civil rights education for teachers and preserving the history of teachers in Birmingham.


No Jargon Podcast

In the News

Interviewed in "The Battle over Black History," (with Nikole Hannah-Jones, Eugene Scott, Andra Gillespie, and Lukata Mjumbe) National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) 2023 Convention and Career Fair, August 4, 2023.
Interviewed in "The Hidden History of Teacher Advocacy in the Civil Rights Movement," FutureEd, February 5, 2020.
Interviewed in "Highlights from The Big Q: Youth and Race," WBHM, June 25, 2019.


"Critical Race Theory and Educational Research Utilizing Qualitative Methods" (with Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif, Christopher E. Jones, Martez D. Files, and Charletta N. Wiggins) in International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition), edited by Robert J Tierney, Fazal Rizvi, and Kadriye Ercikan, (Elsevier, 2023), 67-77.

Reviews the historical foundations of critical race theory and its resonance and application in qualitative educational research.

Schooling the Movement: The Activism of Southern Black Educators from Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Era (with Derrick P. Alridge and Jon N. Hale). (The University of South Carolina Press, 2023).

Examines the pedagogical activism and vital contributions of Black teachers throughout the Black freedom struggle.

"AATC Keynote Address. The Marcella Kysilka Lecture to the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC) Annual Conference" Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 22, no. 1 (2019): 17-35.

Elaborates on African American educators’ involvement in the Alabama civil rights movement.

Schoolhouse Activists (State University of New York Press, 2015).

Examines historical and contemporary perspectives on African American educators' involvement in the Birmingham Civil Rights Movement.

"The Sociopolitical Context of Schooling in Post-Civil Rights Birmingham" Peabody Journal of Education 90, no. 3 (2015): 336-354.

Discusses historical and contemporary perspectives on education in the Birmingham metropolitan area, emphasizing longstanding political and economic tensions between urban and suburban school districts.

"New Horizons for Urban Educators Engaging Families in the Post-Civil Rights South" (with Deborah L. Voltz and Michael Froning) in A Nation of Students at Risk: Advancing Equity & Achievement in America’s Diversifying Schools, edited by Camille M. Wilson and Sonya Douglass Horsford, (Routledge, 2014), 186-199.

Examines school, community, and family relations in the contemporary urban U. S. South and Midwest.