Criminal Justice: Effects of COVID-19 on the Justice System Explained by Experts

With the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact being felt in every area of American life, it is more important than ever to provide rigorous research to inform reporting on this crisis. To meet this growing need, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of scholars who are available to be contacted for comments and analysis. Below are the scholars who can comment on the effects of this crisis on incarcerated people and other individuals who have contact with the criminal justice system.

You can connect with all researchers available to comment on the COVID-19 pandemic here.

University of California-Irvine

"Prisons, like nursing homes, are closed institutions filled with populations at high risk for pandemics. Many have already prohibited visiting, but more needs to be done, including: providing adequate sanitation supplies, limiting new prison admissions, releasing low-risk prisoners, and maintaining legal visiting so external oversight remains in place."

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

"Many of the individuals behind bars are in poor health and have limited access to health protection measures like clean water and soap, hand sanitizer, and the ability to physically isolate. In addition, we have millions of Americans who pass through courthouses everyday and are expected to report to probation and parole agencies. All of these interactions put justice-involved children and adults, staffers, and the public at risk. All local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies need to be putting plans in place now that safely release the most vulnerable from custody and halt the everyday interactions that drive the spread of disease."