Alexandra Tabachnick
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About Alexandra
Dr. Tabachnick's research takes a two-generation approach (focusing on both parent and child functioning) to understand and enhance family well-being through prevention and intervention, particularly with marginalized and oppressed populations. She is particularly interested in sensitive and responsive parenting and secure attachment as protective factors in child development.
Discusses key clinician recommendations for talking about racism and racism-related events with youth of color.
Explores how secure attachment in infancy relates to emotional functioning in middle childhood, focusing on children at risk for emotion dysregulation due to Child Protective Services involvement. Results indicate that secure attachment to parents in infancy predicts more appropriate emotion expression in middle childhood. Highlights attachment as a promising intervention target for children at risk for emotion dysregulation.
Examines the effects of an attachment-based intervention in infancy on children’s autonomic regulation during middle childhood. Finds that an early intervention delivered in infancy, Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up, improved children's physiological regulation in middle childhood. Suggests that a parenting-focused intervention can positively influence children’s autonomic regulation.