Carolyn J. Heinrich
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About Carolyn
Heinrich’s research focuses on education and social welfare policy, public management and performance management, and social program evaluation. She is currently engaged in research to improve education and training program effectiveness, including the evaluation of K-12 public school interventions and federal workforce development programs, as well as other ongoing research on labor market outcomes for low-skilled and disadvantaged workers, performance management and contracting, and poverty reduction efforts. She frequently works with federal, state and local governments and also collaborates with nongovernmental organizations such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, UNICEF and others in research to improve program and policy design and the impacts of social protection and poverty reduction efforts in middle-income and developing countries.
Online Learning and Implications for Inequality in the Classroom
Critical Issues about Online Credit Recovery Programs in America's Schools
Helping Parents Give Children a Healthy Start
Empowering School Districts and Parents to Use Tutors Effectively
No Jargon Podcast
In the News
Investigates challenges that low-income families face in accessing health and human services critical for their children's healthy development. Employs a mixed methods approach—drawing on administrative data on economically disadvantaged children in Tennessee, publicly available data on resource allocations and expenditures, and data collected in purposive and randomly sampled interviews with public and nonprofit agencies across the state—to analyze the distribution of resources relative to children's needs and provide rich descriptions of the experiences of organizations striving to overcome administrative burdens and support families.
Discusses a field experiment, using a paired audit testing design with testers of different racial and language profiles, was conducted to document and evaluate individual encounters in inquiring about COVID-19 vaccinations in the U.S. states.
Compiles and reviews the evidence on programs and policies aimed at improving: youth development for disadvantaged adolescents and young teens; educational attainment and employment for in-school youth; and "reconnecting" those who are out of school and frequently out of work to identify programmatic strategies that are promising or proven based on rigorous evaluations.