Christina E. Bejarano
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About Christina
Bejarano is a nationally recognized author, speaker, and advisor on Latina electoral politics in the U.S. She studies the conditions under which racial/ethnic minorities and women successfully compete for U.S. electoral office. Her work also focuses on how racial/ethnic minorities and women can shape or influence the current electoral environment.
The Rising Participation of Latinas in U.S. Politics and Public Office-Holding
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Argues the importance of applying intersectional analysis to the study of linked fate. Brings the linked fate literature into conversation with the research on representation. Examines perceptions of “minority linked fate,” the idea that ethno-racial minorities might share a sense of commonality that extends beyond their particular ethno-racial group to other ethno-racial groups, and the race-gendered differences in perceptions of representation for candidates among respondents with low and high levels of minority linked fate. Suggests that minority linked fate may be related to perceptions of representation, but that there are important race-gendered characteristics necessitating further exploration and underscoring the need for diverse samples and intersectional analyses.
Discusses the study of the conditions under which Latinas successfully compete for U.S. electoral office. Argues intersecting identities provide fewer electoral disadvantages and allow minority women to more readily attain electoral support.
Examines the intersectionality of race and gender in the Louisiana elections of 2002 and 2003, to demonstrate the role of party and race in predicting vote. Introduces a new twist on the theory of racial threat for racial/ethnic minority candidates, where whites may not be politically polarized in favor of Republican nominees who are non-white.
Discusses the study of the complex differences in voter gender and Latino political behavior and attitudes.
Analyzes state-level characteristics to provide explanations for where we find Latina state level representation in 2014. Finds that Latina state representation does not fit neatly with the traditional models used to explain state variation for women, minority women, or Latino political representation.
Discusses a study of the factors that create substantial gender differences i Latino political behavior and attitudes. Focuses on the 2004, 2008, and 2012 presidential elections. Compares the size and direction of Latino political gender gaps across generations and national origin.
Tests the ability of traditional gender and assimilation theories to account for Latino attitudes on gender equality issues. Finds that there is a distinction between the opinions of the most recent Latino immigrants and other generational cohorts.