Daniel Schneider
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About Daniel
Schneider’s research examines how economic inequality and precarious employment affect marriage; health; and child wellbeing. He is particularly interested in work scheduling practices in the retail sector and is co-leading a large survey collecting data on these practices and an evaluation of city law to regulate these practices in Seattle that is funded by the City of Seattle and the Department of Labor. Schneider’s prior research focused on economic influences on family formation; including on how labor union membership and wealth affect marriage as well as the effects of the Great Recession on families. After receiving his Ph.D. from Princeton; he was a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy Research at Berkeley.
How Unpredictable Work Scheduling Hurts Retail Workers – And What Might Change
In the News
Demonstrates that the uncertainty and anticipatory anxiety that go along with sudden macroeconomic downturns have negative effects on relationship quality, above and beyond the effects of job loss and material hardship.
Shows how unstable and unpredictable work schedules in retail lead to similar instability in the childcare arrangements used by parents working in the retail sector.
Draws on original survey data from retail workers to show how schedule instability and unpredictability precipitates income and earnings volatility and how that volatility leads to household economic insecurity.
Documents a marked decline in non-marital fertility rates since 2008 in the United States. Shows that the decline is partially attributable to adoption of more effective contraceptive technology (long acting reversible contraceptives) and partially due to the Great Recession.
Shows that non-marital fertility was negatively affected by the economic shocks of the Great Recession and that this decline was as large as the decline in marriage entry for low-SES women.