Nikos Zirogiannis
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About Nikos
Zirogiannis has written Op-Eds and been interviewed on the radio (as well as news outlets) regarding my research in air quality and health. Zirogiannis also have an on-going collaboration with an NGO in Houston Texas (Air Alliance Houston) that engages in advocacy issues around air quality.
Regulatory Agencies Can Improve Excess Emissions Tracking to Protect Health
In the News
Analyzes excess emissions from industrial facilities in Texas and provide summary data on both the pollutants most often emitted as excess emissions and the industrial sectors and facilities responsible for those emissions. Uses an integrated assessment model, we estimate that the health damages in Texas from excess emissions are approximately $150 million annually.
Provides a empirical (regression-based) approach of estimating health damage reductions due to co-pollutant (NOx, SO2) emissions reductions in the electricity generating sector
Discusses a proposed rule that would create a more lax regulatory environment for industrial emissions of air pollutants. Argues that the EPA's proposed rule is flawed and inadequate to ensure environmental quality and protect public health.
Examines the environmental justice implications of industrial air emissions in Texas. Finds that the percentage of Black population and median household income are positively associated with industrial air emissions.
Provides causal evidence on the link between ozone pollution and premature mortality. Demonstrates that industrial emissions above a facility's permitted limits in Texas, cause an average of 35 elderly (ages 65 and above) deaths per year.