

Experts Available: Budgets and Border Wall

With the December 7th funding deadline quickly approaching, a partial government shutdown seems increasingly likely. If you're looking for expert...

Scholar Spotlight: Nathan Jensen and Margaret O'Mara

Amazon announced its plans for HQ2, splitting its second headquarters between New York City and Arlington, Virginia. Dozens of cities offered billions...

Election Experts Available: Immigration and the Election

For journalists looking for expert sources on issues related to immigration and the midterm elections, the following scholars are available to comment...

The Myth of Millionaire Tax Flight: A Public Talk with Cristobal Young

The economy is growing. Many are doing well. So why is it so difficult to get government to invest in things that could make communities stronger? Why...

Scholar Allyship with and for the Undocumented Community

In September, Tennessee SSN's postdoctoral fellow Sayil Camacho hosted a webinar about how the scholarly community can better support undocumented...

Scholar Spotlight: Tom K. Wong

This week, we highlight Tom K. Wong, who worked with civic organizations UnitedWeDream, Center for American Progress, and the National Immigration Law...

Experts Available: Immigration Bills and Family Separation

For expert on the immigration bill up for a vote in the House of Representatives and family seperation, these scholars are available to comment...