

Experts Available: Budgets and Border Wall

With the December 7th funding deadline quickly approaching, a partial government shutdown seems increasingly likely. If you're looking for expert...

Election Experts Available: Immigration and the Election

For journalists looking for expert sources on issues related to immigration and the midterm elections, the following scholars are available to comment...

Expert Avail: Kavanaugh Hearings

As you prepare to cover the Brett Kavanaugh hearings today, these scholars are responsive and available to give expert commentary: Meg Mott, Professor...

Scholar Allyship with and for the Undocumented Community

In September, Tennessee SSN's postdoctoral fellow Sayil Camacho hosted a webinar about how the scholarly community can better support undocumented...

Scholar Spotlight: Kate Coleman-Minahan

This week, we're spotlighting Kate Coleman-Minahan, whose research on reproductive rights for adolescents has garnered attention. In 37 states...

Scholar Spotlight: Tom K. Wong

This week, we highlight Tom K. Wong, who worked with civic organizations UnitedWeDream, Center for American Progress, and the National Immigration Law...
Supreme Court

Experts Available: NIFLA v. Becerra

For journalists looking for expert sources on the Supreme Court's ruling in NIFLA v. Becerra, these scholars are available to comment: Professor...

Experts Available: Immigration Bills and Family Separation

For expert on the immigration bill up for a vote in the House of Representatives and family seperation, these scholars are available to comment...