
Supreme Court

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Abortion Case

With the Supreme Court set to hear arguments in the case Idaho v. United States on Wednesday , the provision of emergency abortions and the future of...

Researcher-Reporter Relationships: Q&A with Jules Boykoff and Melissa Chan

On April 10, Emmy-nominated freelance journalist Melissa Chan and media savvy SSN member Dr. Jules Boykoff joined us for a Q&A focused on researcher...

Talking to a Reporter, Featuring Newsweek Journalist Nick Mordowanec

On March 14, Newsweek political reporter Nick Mordowanec joined us for a Q&A focused on what reporters look for in interviews with researchers. Here...
Rural Midwest

New Member Spotlight: L.J. McElravy Advocates for Compromise in Nebraska

SSN is excited to welcome L.J. McElravy, an associate professor of leadership at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, as the 1900th member to join the...
healthcare for pregnant people

New Member Spotlight: Sarah Verbiest Advocates for Medicaid Extension

For this new member spotlight, we’re excited to highlight Dr. Sarah Verbiest and her successful work to help advocate for the extension of Medicaid...
SCOTUS abortion case

5 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Mississippi Abortion Case

On December 1st, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments against a Mississippi law that bans nearly all abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy and...

Chapter Spotlight: Wisconsin SSN Event Focuses on Issues Affecting the Black Community

“ Our office finds the Scholars Strategy Network to be a valuable resource and we are really looking forward to strengthening our connection with the...

5 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Texas Abortion Case

On November 1st, the Supreme Court is hearing a challenge to Texas law SB8. This new law went into effect in Texas in September, banning abortion...
Pro life march

Chapter Spotlight: Utah SSN Informs Reproductive Health Policy

“There was more discussion about reproductive health than ever before. Proactive policies took up a lot of space rather than just restrictive policies...
Baltimore, MD

New Member Spotlight: Johnny Rice II on Protecting Violence Interrupters

SSN is launching an initiative to highlight new members of the network and showcase their research. This month, we’re shining a spotlight on new SSN...