

Experts Available: For the People Act and SCOTUS Voting Rights Cases

This week, voting rights in America hang in the balance. In the House, representatives will consider the For the People Act (H.R. 1), which would...

Member Spotlight: U.S. Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Commission

This week, we're spotlighting the U.S. Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Commission (H.Con.Res.100) - a resolution drafted and written by SSN...

Experts Available: Attacks on US Capitol

In light of last week's attack on the US Capitol and the heightened threat of further violence this weekend or during the Inauguration next week, SSN...

Expert Available on White Nationalist Movement

In light of the recent attack on the United States Capitol, Professor Sophie Bjork-James is available to provide commentary and analysis for reporters...