
White House

New Member Spotlight: Niki vonLockette Builds Relationships at White House Event

The core of the Scholars Strategy Network’s mission is helping researchers connect and build relationships with policymakers, civic leaders, and the...

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Immigration Case

This month the Supreme Court is set to rule on United States v. Texas, an immigration case that challenges the Biden Administration's policy for...
border patrol

5 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Immigration Debate

The immigration debate has taken center stage in Washington DC yet again: the Trump-era health order known as Title 42 — which allowed US border...
us census

Member Spotlight: Neda Maghbouleh on Improving the U.S. Census

“ At the American Medical Association, we are working to refine our data systems to include Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) as a separate...

4 Experts Available for Analysis on Supreme Court Student Debt Cases

Today the Supreme Court is set to hear two cases dealing with the Biden Administration's one-time student loan forgiveness initiative. Biden v...
Female doctor sitting with female patient

New Member Spotlight: Earl Smith on Concussion Care for Victims of Domestic Violence

“Conceptualizing health care, especially in the emergency department, as a site of primary intervention in intimate partner violence would save lives...