

SSN Members Provide Guidance for Schools in the Wake of COVID-19

In early June 2020, the Trauma Responsive Educational Practices (TREP) Project , led by University of Chicago Associate Professor Micere Keels, put on...

Announcing the Legacies Project: Learning from Historically Black Colleges and Universities

For too long, higher education and other American institutions have excluded minority groups from full participation in U.S. society. Early Civil...

The Myth of Millionaire Tax Flight: A Public Talk with Cristobal Young

The economy is growing. Many are doing well. So why is it so difficult to get government to invest in things that could make communities stronger? Why...
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SSN Scholars Report Findings on Paid Family Leave from Research Supported by the U.S. Department of Labor

The Women’s Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor supports research and analyses to inform the development and implementation of state-level programs...
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Meet the SSN Graduate Fellows for 2015-16

Regional and working groups in the Scholars Strategy Network choose a graduate student fellow each year. Our fourth class includes twenty young women...
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Meet the SSN Graduate Fellows for 2014-15

Regional groups in the Scholars Strategy Network choose a graduate student fellow each year. Our third class includes fifteen young women and men...
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SSN Forum on Support for America's Working Women

America’s women workers are vital contributors to the national economy – and to family budgets. But most struggle with inadequate pay, unpredictable...
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The Future of American Jobs

Better jobs and more productive workers are the key to a brighter future for the U.S. economy. In a series of compelling briefs, reports, and media...
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Meet the SSN Graduate Fellows for 2013-14

Regional groups in the Scholars Strategy Network choose a graduate student fellow each year. Our second class includes thirteen young women and men...
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The Challenging Future of the U.S. Labor Movement

Despite soaring profits, American workers claim a shrinking share of the national economic pie. Union decline is a major cause – and if worker...