

Experts Available: Biden Administration Stimulus Package

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first one hundred days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts...

Experts Available: Attacks on US Capitol

In light of last week's attack on the US Capitol and the heightened threat of further violence this weekend or during the Inauguration next week, SSN...

Experts Available: Black Voter Turnout and Impact

In several battleground states, Black voter turnout was key to propelling the Biden-Harris ticket to victory. For analysis of how Black voters...
New Jersey

Economists Letter Helped Push for New Jersey Millionaires Tax

We are excited to share recent news of how SSN is connecting researchers with policy. As states manage the economic impact of COVID-19, many have...

Economic Relief: The Next COVID-19 Stimulus Package Explained by Experts

With the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact still being felt in every area of American life, rigorous reporting on the crisis remains vital. To meet this need...

Housing and Evictions: The COVID-19 Housing Crisis Explained by Experts

With the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact still being felt in every area of American life, rigorous reporting on the crisis remains vital. To meet this need...

Experts Available: COVID-19 Crisis Update

In March, Scholars Strategy Network consulted top experts in public health, economics, social inequalities, and more to make sense of the still...

COVID-19 State Budget Crisis Explained by Experts

The COVID-19 crisis is having serious consequences for state and local budgets, with large budget shortfalls projected at a time when public services...
Pandemic Racial Disparities.jpg

Health Inequality: Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Explained by Experts

With the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact being felt in every area of American life, it is more important than ever to provide rigorous research to inform...
Wall Street

Pandemic Economics: Labor and the Economy During COVID-19 Explained by Experts

With the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact being felt in every area of American life, it is more important than ever to provide rigorous research to inform...