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Can Citizen Campaigns and Voluntary Standards Make Business Socially Responsible?

As public regulations are weakened, voluntary groups are attempting to police business. But their campaigns are dependent on media coverage and easily...
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Goaded by the Tea Party, Republicans Turn to Extortion

The Republican-led House of Representatives has shut down the federal government and threatens to push the U.S. into default – unless Democrats agree...
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Choosing America's Future - An Election that Matters

With Democrats and Republicans pointing in opposite directions, the choices U.S. voters make on November 6, 2012 will help set the nation's course at...
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The High Stakes for Health Care in Election 2012

Should the United States expand health coverage and prod the system toward greater efficiency? Or should government retrench and unleash market forces...
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The Future of Health Reform

On Thursday, June 28, 2012, a majority of the United States Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act – one of the most important social policy...