

Scholar Spotlight: Tom K. Wong

This week, we highlight Tom K. Wong, who worked with civic organizations UnitedWeDream, Center for American Progress, and the National Immigration Law...

Scholar Spotlight: Natasha Warikoo

This week, our Scholar Spotlight highlights Natasha, who co-wrote a powerful op-ed in the New York Times about the admissions processes of top...

Scholar Spotlight: Anita Larson

This week, we are spotlighting another new member to the SSN team, Anita Larson. Anita applies her knowledge of the public sector to study and develop...

Scholar Spotlight: David Blatt

This week's Scholar Spotlight highlights David Blatt, who analyzed the recent primary elections in Oklahoma, where dozens of teachers won after...

Experts Available: Immigration Bills and Family Separation

For expert on the immigration bill up for a vote in the House of Representatives and family seperation, these scholars are available to comment...

40 Professionals Sign Letter Supporting MA Civics Education Bill

BOSTON, MA – A cohort of 40 professors and educators have signed a letter to support the passage of S.2375, one of the nation’s most innovative civic...

New Scholar Spotlight: Nolan Cabrera

Each week, we highlight the work of one new scholar who is expanding SSN's mission and reach into new territories. This week, we welcome Nolan...
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Countdown to 1000: Scholars #991 - #995

To count down to the 1,000th scholar in the Scholars Strategy Network, we’re featuring ten scholars who are committed to using their research to...
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What Trump Means for Immigration

For more information, contact the authors: Tanya Golash-Boza​ [email protected] (209) 205-6179 Anna On Ya Law [email protected] (815) 546-0309...
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The Supreme Court’s Immigration Impasse

“The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided court.” With these nine words about the United States v. Texas case, the Supreme Court halted...