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Meet the SSN Graduate Fellows for 2015-16

Regional and working groups in the Scholars Strategy Network choose a graduate student fellow each year. Our fourth class includes twenty young women...
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How Young Immigrants, Communities, and States Benefit from President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

The Obama administration has instituted limited benefits for undocumented youth brought to this country as children – but legal battles in Texas have...
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Meet the SSN Graduate Fellows for 2014-15

Regional groups in the Scholars Strategy Network choose a graduate student fellow each year. Our third class includes fifteen young women and men...
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SSN Forum on the Immigration Impasse

Immigration reform is supported by businesses, churches, and most voters. In 2013 the U.S. Senate passed bipartisan reforms, but the GOP-led House has...
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Meet the SSN Graduate Fellows for 2013-14

Regional groups in the Scholars Strategy Network choose a graduate student fellow each year. Our second class includes thirteen young women and men...
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Will the House of Representatives Enact - Or Kill - Immigration Reform?

In late June, a carefully negotiated immigration reform bill passed the Senate by a substantial bipartisan majority of 68 to 32. Action now shifts to...
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Meet the SSN Graduate Fellows for 2012-13

Every regional group in the Scholars Strategy Network chooses a graduate student fellow each year. Our first class includes a dozen young women and...
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Immigration - Time for a New Approach

Following the 2012 elections, leaders in both parties are talking about reforming immigration. Walls and repression do not work. SSN scholars tell us...
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Choosing America's Future - An Election that Matters

With Democrats and Republicans pointing in opposite directions, the choices U.S. voters make on November 6, 2012 will help set the nation's course at...