

Scholar Spotlight: Frank Edwards

The public and the media have paid more attention to civilian deaths from police encounters, but solid statistics are hard to find because police...
Supreme Court

Experts Available: NIFLA v. Becerra

For journalists looking for expert sources on the Supreme Court's ruling in NIFLA v. Becerra, these scholars are available to comment: Professor...
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Countdown to 1000: Scholar #1000

To count down to the 1,000th scholar in the Scholars Strategy Network, we’re featuring ten scholars who are committed to using their research to...
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New Research Shows GOP Health Overhaul is Unpopular in All Fifty States

As Congress debates the new health care bill, it remains one of the least popular pieces of legislation amongst voters in decades. In fact, according...
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The Supreme Court after Scalia

The abrupt death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia is sending shockwaves through U.S. politics and legal worlds. Writing for the media and cited...
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Will the Supreme Court Re-Ignite the Health Reform Wars?

With the Affordable Care Act working surprisingly well, conflicts have cooled a bit. But if the Supreme Court eliminates insurance subsidies for...
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The Supreme Court Issues Historic Decisions

Late June brings decisions from the Supreme Court – and June 2015 will long be remembered for blockbuster pronouncements. Writing for the media or...
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Outrage in U.S. Political Opinion Media

Mockery, fear, and personal attacks dominate blogs, television, and radio talk shows – especially on the right – making politics confusing and...
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SSN’s 500th Member Focuses on the Roots of U.S. Urban Unrest

What do the continuing protests in Ferguson, Missouri have in common with the 1960s uprisings in many U.S. cities? Howard looks to history to explore...
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Can Citizen Campaigns and Voluntary Standards Make Business Socially Responsible?

As public regulations are weakened, voluntary groups are attempting to police business. But their campaigns are dependent on media coverage and easily...