Policy Workshops

Policy Engagement Trainings

Our workshops empower scholars to connect with policymakers, civic leaders, and journalists to ensure that research evidence is used in policymaking. We offer a variety of hands-on workshops to cultivate the skills needed to disseminate research findings and transform the policymaking process.


Powerful Relationships

Identify key people and organizations and formulate specific steps to take to develop relationships with them

Windows of Opportunity

Recognize opportunities where your research can inform policy decision-making

Better Research Questions

Work with policymakers and civic leaders to determine more effective research questions

Your Role to Play

Make the most of different opportunities, from helping conceptualize problems to creating research-practice partnerships

Watch our 90-second explainer to learn about training researchers to inform policy.

About The Trainings


Training Researchers to Inform Policy (TRIP)

TRIP is a full-day, in-person workshop that gives scholars a hands-on introduction to effective strategies for policy engagement. The workshop can be tailored to your group’s size and interests.


Connecting & Building Relationships

This training on building relationships gives scholars an introduction to effective strategies to ensure that researcher’s findings and perspectives inform policy. 



Policy Mapping: Navigating Your Network

This network mapping workshop gives scholars the tools to map their policy landscape and create a plan to build relationships with policy stakeholders.


Writing goals

Getting Inspired, Setting Goals

The training introduces how research is used in policymaking and what informs policymakers’ day-to-day decision-making. The workshop emphasizes that there is no single way to be a publicly-engaged scholar.


Two people talking

Share & Solve

The Share and Solve is a facilitated peer-discussion exercise that helps people get concrete advice to address challenges, form new connections, and hear new perspectives.

People writing

Policy Brief Writing Workshop

This workshop is for scholars who want to learn how to write compelling and jargon-free policy briefs. Participants move through each step of the policy brief drafting process and actively shape their idea into a first draft. 

US Capitol

Engaging in the Legislative Session

This training on state legislative sessions helps scholars foster evidence-based legislation and provides practical steps in engaging with elected officials. Participants learn about state legislatures, the cycle of state legislation, and how and when they can engage.



Lobbying & Advocacy Workshop

The lobbying workshop equips scholars with practical steps they can take to advocate for the use of research in policymaking, without lobbying. The training reviews common lobbying tests and shows how scholars can make the most of lobbying exemptions. 


Engaging with Government Agencies

This training on engaging with government agencies will equip scholars with the tools they need to make critical connections and build trusting relationships with agency staffers. 

Request a training.

Host a workshop or receive notifications about future workshops. You can also contact Andrew Pope at [email protected].