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Agustina Paglayan

Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of California San Diego
Chapter Member: San Diego SSN, California SSN
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About Agustina

Paglayan's research focuses on the political interests, actors (teacher unions, business groups, voters, political parties, religious organizations, etc.), and coalitions that shape education policy choices that affect the size, equity and quality of educational systems -- both in the U.S. and in developing countries. Paglayan is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Global Development, and (starting July 2018) Assistant Professor of political science and public policy at UC San Diego. 

In the News

Opinion: "Behind the Teacher Strikes that have Roiled Five States," Agustina Paglayan, The Economist, May 5, 2018.
Research discussed by Stephen Loiaconi, in "Oklahoma Walkouts May Just be 'Tip of the Iceberg' for Teacher Protests," ABC WJLA, April 2, 2018.
Opinion: "Here’s the Real Reason Teachers are Revolting in Red States," Agustina Paglayan, The Washington Post, April 2, 2018.
Research discussed by Madeline Will, in "Collective Bargaining Does Not Improve Teacher Pay, Study Finds," Education Week, March 19, 2018.
Quoted by Kalhan Rosenblatt in "Oklahoma, Kentucky Public Schools Close as Thousands of Teachers Walk Out," NBC News, February 2, 2018.


"Public-Sector Unions and the Size of Government" American Journal of Political Science (forthcoming).

Focusing on teachers in the U.S., challenges the conventional wisdom that granting collective bargaining rights to public-sector unions leads to higher public-sector salaries, employment, and spending.