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Alex DiBranco

Executive Director, Institute for Research on Male Supremacism

About Alex

DiBranco is the cofounder and executive director of the Institute for Research on Male Supremacism. She specializes in the study of male supremacist and right-wing social movements, with a particular interest in movement organizations, networks, and framing.  A sociology PhD candidate at Yale University, writing her dissertation on the U.S. New Right movement infrastructure-building from 1971 to 1997, DiBranco is currently is affiliated with the Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies and is a 2019-2020 Dangerous Speech Project fellow. She was formerly Political Research Associates' communications director and a member of the Public Eye editorial board.

In the News

Opinion: "The Long History of the Anti-Abortion Movement’s Links to White Supremacists," Alex DiBranco, The Nation, February 3, 2020.
Opinion: "The First Anti-Feminist Massacre," Alex DiBranco, Political Research, December 6, 2019.
Quoted by Hannah Allam in "'It Gets To You.' Extremism Researchers Confront the Unseen Toll of Their Work," NPR, September 20, 2019.
Guest on Texas Public Radio, July 15, 2019.
Opinion: "Shooting in Tallahassee Illustrates Increasing Misogynist Violence," Alex DiBranco, Political Research, November 8, 2018.
Opinion: "Before the Alt Right: Anita Hill and the Growth of Misogynist Ideology," Alex DiBranco, Political Research, August 13, 2018.
Quoted by Clarence Page in "The Incel Mind: As If Hating Women Will Get You a Girlfriend," Chicago Tribune, May 4, 2018.
Quoted by Kira Brekke and Katelyn Marmon in "Inside the ‘Incel’ Movement Inspiring Mass Violence against Women," Think Progress, April 29, 2018.
Quoted by Luke Barnes in "The Virulently Misogynistic Online Community Linked to the Toronto Van Attack Suspect," Think Progress, April 24, 2018.
Opinion: "Mobilizing Misogyny," Alex DiBranco, The Public Eye, March 8, 2017.
Guest on The Turning Point, December 2, 2016.
Opinion: "Whole Woman’s Health’s Unexpected Win for Science," Alex DiBranco, The Public Eye, October 28, 2016.
Opinion: "Who Speaks for Conservative Women? 'Feminisms' for Life, Liberty, and Politics," Alex DiBranco, The Public Eye, June 9, 2015.
Opinion: "The Student Sex Column Movement," Alex DiBranco, The Nation, September 28, 2009.